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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Waitress Bartender Waiter Tips - Gratuity Ingenuity - Make Bigger Tips

Trying to live off your tips CAN be a very scary thing! Serving customers for a living is one of the hardest jobs on the planet. The majority of waiters, waitresses, food servers and bartenders struggle financially. There is a small, smart minority who make BIG money, and have FUN doing it!

Whether you are working in fine dining, or slinging draft at a honky tonk, "Gratuity Ingenuity" will help you MAKE MORE TIP MONEY!

Back to my story... I wasn't always the prettiest, slimmest, youngest or cutest server, (although I still look DAMN good!). I never tried to deceive or flirt my way to better tips. I made it my mission to discover, test and refine some simple, little secrets that made my income worth my time. I learned what it takes to make really exceptional money as a waitress and bartender! A few years ago an owner saw me counting up my tips at the end of a shift. Most owners really don't care how much you make! This owner was different. He wanted me to teach his new staff to do "whatever it was" I was doing. He was shocked when he realized his first management offer would mean a CUT in pay for me. He had never had an employee generate the type of income I was making from my tips! We finally agreed he would match my income (plus I got benefits).

Most of us started in the hospitality industry as a quick solution for some immediate cash flow. There are always places looking for part-time waiter/waitresses, bartenders and kitchen help. (I didn't say "good" places) Ask yourself: "If you are going to put in the hours anyway, why not make BIGGER TIPS?

(Update: since I first published this ebook on the internet a few years ago there have been a few "similar" ebooks published. (They say imitation is the highest form of flattery!) It is shocking to me that none of these other publications are written by someone who has actually worked for tips for a living! Go figure!)

My original little tip sheet has been greatly expanded. Other servers have added their ideas. I have observed what works and doesn't I have refined, field tested and proven ALL of these techniques And now you can benefit from all my years of trial and error!

Definitely, but only if you use it. Inside your copy of this ebook you will find step by step instructions on how to dramatically increase your tips. But, like everything else in the real world, it is up to you! If you don't try out some ideas, if you don't put this new knowledge into practice, if you don't correct some of the mistakes you might be making, YOU WON'T MAKE BIGGER TIPS!

If you simply try a few of these techniques, work on them and refine them to fit your personal style, you can really dramatically increase the tip money you take home at the end of your shift! It is like any art form or talent. It's like playing the piano! These secret methods need to be practiced, refined and worked on!

These tips work regardless of your gender, race, religion, height, weight, good looks, experience and education. As long as you are willing to learn these concepts and use these "secrets", you WILL make BIGGER tips!

You can have ALL this information in your hands just moments from now.... (yes, even if it's 4:00 am) There will be no waiting for UPS or the post office. You can download your personal copy NOW and start reading it immediately.

Once you've finished downloading your ebook, pour yourself a cup of coffee (or whatever?), and take a few hours to read this revealing information. You can then turn a typically "low paying job" into your "well paying profession". Simply study one or two tips and try them out on your next shift. Then keep adding, practicing and personalizing more techniques and ideas! Practice your "Secret Art" and enjoy your rewards!

This ebook is a collection of my personal discoveries from years of actually working for tips. I won't make any guarantees that you'll make a million dollars after you read it. I WILL guarantee that if you try some of the ideas, you will make more money! I compliment you for searching and finding this website. Most people who are working for tips have never even considered the possibility that there are proven ways to make MORE TIP MONEY!

I have struggled with this. Let me ask you: What if you took your aunt out for lunch, you got her methods and knowledge as a successful bartender or waitress, and you picked her brain, but didn't use the information... Would you ask the restaurant for your money back? No! Okay, that being understood, I realize that you don't know me very well. So here's my guarantee.

With the information contained inside this ebook you can dramatically increase your tips. You can read, learn, practice and start making larger gratuities, or you can ignore this information and leave all that money on the table. The decision, as always, is yours. Cheers!

ps. Some people love to complain about their current situation (you know that, you wait on them everyday), and sometimes these people aren't willing to do ANYTHING to change their situation. They seem to enjoy being miserable! Don't fall into that trap. If you want to change your situation financially, this information really can help! pps. A very wise man once said, "Everything you have in your life is a result of the choices you make, or don't make!" ppps. Don't forget about my 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee! You have absolutely nothing to lose, and BIGGER GRATUITIES to gain! If you really want to make bigger tips, I'd love to help!

If you haven't already sign up for the free online email course (above), "Bonus Tips for BIGGER Tips" Click Here To Sign Up...

Title: Waitress Bartender Waiter Tips - Gratuity Ingenuity - Make Bigger Tips
Rating: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
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