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Friday, February 1, 2013

Unlimited Ebay Inventory

Posted by Unknown |

Do I spend all day in front of my computer looking for a great auction deal? Not at all. I spend about 20-40 minutes at a time several days a week bidding and buying and sometimes less time than that. Many of the great deals that I get come to me straight to my email as an alert. It is embarrassingly easy! Some days, I get a week's worth of inventory in one or two "lot" purchases. I buy from other sellers and resell their same goodies because I know more of how to do it than they do! I want you to read my book, The Ebay Guru Speaks Out and learn:

For the past 10 years, I've been selling full time on Ebay. I only started because I decided to put my house up for sale on Ebay which forced me to open up an Ebay account. The house did not sell there at my starting bid but I figured as long as I have this account set up, why not turn this into a business? I was living in the rurals of Tennessee and tired of driving an hour to work in Chattanooga so decided to push myself into learning about Ebay and finding inventory. In just a few months, I was selling full time and had left my job. At first, I did not get any inventory from Ebay sellers. That would change.

Those are a dime a dozen. Don't get me wrong because some of them offer very good advice but I think you can find most of that advice for free from Googling or even from Ebay's on site video tutorials and helps. The mechanics of selling is something you can pretty easily teach yourself and what you don't know, you can get from other guides and free websites or just buy Ebay for Dummies or something. I am not here to teach you all that stuff. I am offering you something you have not seen before and may not find anywhere else!

I want to show you how to get an unlimited amount of inventory and you are going to get it from other Ebay sellers. Mostly, you will be buying from inexperienced amateurs but you will also be getting it from other professional sellers. This is a foolproof plan that will work in any country that has internet!

Some of those other Ebay guides even offer advice on how to find inventory but you still find the same old recycled information about wholesale lists, closeouts, liquidations, yard sales, thrift stores, etc. My book, The Ebay Guru Speaks Out has nothing of the sort.

How to buy merchandise up for auction with no other competition from other buyers (Works about 50% of the time but oh, when it does!!)

Forget amateur sellers for a second. How to find just lazy sellers unwilling to learn the value of their own merchandise

How to save tons of time finding inventory. Otherwise, you will be clicking buttons until your fingers fall off! Time is money.

Learn to avoid the main mistake huge numbers of Ebay amateurs and professionals are making every day on their listings. This is how you will make money. Avoiding this mistake is the key to finding merchandise before you plan to sell it.

Learn when to sell using auctions and when to use the "Buy it now." This will really surprise you.

Learn to make money from sellers who do not understand how to properly list items in the right format.

Why some people will pay more for your higher priced merchandise than from your competitor's lower priced (same) merchandise. No, really! This too will tell you how much to pay for other seller's goodies before you resell them again on Ebay.

How to educate yourself about someone else's inventory. Find out if they are pricing it wisely, whether a starting bid or a buy it now.

How to utilize Ebay's search features in ways you never imagined! Find things that no one else can find...from ignorant, amateur sellers!

How to set up and get regular email alerts that just scream "deal!" when they show up in your inbox.

Learn my awesome secrets of buying in "lots" when some lazy seller does not realize that he has something more valuable sold individually than in one lump lot. I have made a lot of money using this technique and this is my main way to get inventory online. Learn how to find stuff in your soon-to-be expertise in very clever ways.

How to find sellers who have little money invested in their own merchandise - thus, low starting bids and your chance to steal a bargain.

How you can make a steady income from just a few items where you have knowledge domination. You don't need to know everything. Just specialize!

These are methods that I have mostly come up with myself. You are not going to find the same old worn out ideas that you can get for free all over the internet.

These techniques do not require you to invest thousands of dollars in order to make hundreds of dollars. You can start with just $50-100 in investment money for inventory.

In every part of this book where I explain what to do, I explain why. I want you to understand the logic of every single thing you are doing.

There is something so freeing about getting up each day and knowing you don't have to answer to any boss or your job's hours and schedule. You set the hours and you are the boss. I want you to get in on this and free yourself.

I had thought about putting this whole teaching together into a face to face seminar where I would advertise and gather people together in hotel conference rooms. I believe it would be a smash hit but like many people's biggest fear, public speaking is not my cup of tea. I just...

Title: Unlimited Ebay Inventory
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