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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

the Bouncer Hand Bbook

It has been some time since I last worked as a bouncer at a night club. This handy book brought back some great memories of how much fun it used to be. It contains lots of great information and tips that I totally agree with. Boy I really miss having that wad of extra cash to go home with after every shift.

Everything that Mark talks about in his book is true. Bouncing at a strip club is a more about managing the girls than keeping the customers in line. If you have them under control then the rest will all fall into place. And if they are making money then you are making money.

I am the head bouncer of a popular club in Phoenix, Arizona. If every new door man that I ever hired read this book, then it would make their lives a lot easier (And mine too!). I especially love the section about how NOT to interview - it reminded me of some of the interviews we have held here at our club. The Bouncer Handbook has tons of great advice for anybody considering working the club scene.

You have probably saw movies before like Road House with Patrick Swayze or read some sort of magazine articles about bouncing. Almost all the movies you see often over glorify the bouncer lifestyle, but they do offer a small glimpse into the world of bouncing.Getting a job as a bouncer is easier than you think, and I created The Bouncer Handbook (based on my real experiences) to provide you the tools, guidance, and advice you need to become a strip club or nightclub bouncer. You don't have to be juiced-up on steroids or super huge to become a bouncer. But you do have to be quick witted and confident to defuse and control volatile situations. Bouncing is a tough job, but comes with many perks.

Whether you are just not cut out for mainstream cooperate America, need a little excitement in you life, or just want to earn extra money on weekends this job is for you. In order to make a career out of bouncing you need to know where the money is, and how to make it.

Title: the Bouncer Hand Bbook
Rating: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
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