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Friday, February 22, 2013

Prepare For Job Interview Questions

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As the saying goes, “Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance!”. If you want to knock em dead…then prepare yourself – Job Interviews are tough.  The interviewers are going to be asking behavioral interview questions that require specific examples. They are going to be asking you for details…including names of people, dates, and results.  They’ll ask you about lengthy projects you’ve been involved in – how you lead, manage and handle deadlines as well as how you perform under pressure and deal with difficult people.

What you are about to discover here is a wealth of  INSIDE INFORMATION AND AMAZINGLY PERSUASIVE TACTICS designed for impressing today’s savvy Hiring Manager’s & Recruiting Personnel. As you read this you will get more and more excited about what’s inside!

“Mark, I downloaded your guide and was amazed to find that almost all of the questions the interviewers asked me in my next interview were in this guide. – Since I had written out my answers ahead of time and practiced delivering them the way the guide instructed me to…I was able to handle every question with no problem and have accepted an offer. - Thank you.”

Many popular books on the subject of interviewing focus almost entirely on “how to answer interview questions”.  While knowing how to answer questions is important, with increased competition for the best jobs, it’s simply not enough. You must take a holistic approach to interviewing if you want to stand out from the competition.

Once you are notified that you’ve been selected to be interviewed, that’s when the hard work begins. The key to being ready to face the interview battle is preparation.  And research is an important part of good preparation. This guide provides detailed instructions and resources for:

There are numerous resources available for performing pre-interview research. However, to get the most relevant information in the shortest amount of time, there are three places you should go. The first place you should visit is the company’s web site. (Everybody does that)

But there are two additional places serious job seekers go to get inside information on the position, the company, & the interviewers. I’m talking employee feedback, company gossip, salary data, and interviewer backgrounds and resumes. Get access to these insider research portals with this instant download.

As the former head of recruiting for 2 major U.S. companies, I’ve seen how unfair the corporate recruiting system can be…like how we asked trick interview questions, how we ruled out candidates based on how they were dressed, and how we chose candidates who lied during the interview over honest job seekers.

Anticipate Questions Ahead of Time and Write Out Detailed Answers Using Stories From Your Past!!! ... (See Sample Interview Questions & Answers Below)

There are many books written on the subject of answering interview questions. But what I’ve discovered is that every company uses a variation of the same 25 interview questions when interviewing job candidates.

So when you see interview guides that say “The 300 Most Popular Job Interview Questions” or “167 Job Interview Questions Every Candidate Should Know How To Answer”, do not fall for it.  These guides are trying to impress you with how many questions the author could compile.  Think about it…is anyone really going to ask you..“If you were a dog, what kind of dog would you be?” Highly unlikely.

A Formula for Answering Each of These Questions and More is Provided in this Guide. You’ll Have the Perfect Answer to Each question!

In today’s environment, the most successful job candidates understand how to take charge of an interview, are master storytellers, can lie with a straight face, and ask great questions.

Unfortunately, the only people who are usually privy to these proven techniques are those fortunate enough to afford expensive interview coaches or interview prep services. (With this instant download, you’ll be privy.)

Each of the 25 questions posed in this guide ends with a discussion of the best strategy for formulating your answers in order to achieve maximum effect. (Don’t waste your time with the 167 interview question nonsense.)

Serious job seekers should take the time to write out answers to each of the 25 questions and then practice saying the answers out loud until they roll off the tongue. Once you do this you will be ultra-confident and super-prepared to speak professionally about your background and experience in your next job interview.

Never talk negative about your old company.  Compliment your previous company if possible.  Then, put a positive spin on why you’re leaving …such as looking for more growth. If you were fired or laid-off, find a way to soften the blow when explaining this to interviewers.  In fact I would not advise that you say “I was fired”.  Instead say something like, there were things I wasn’t happy with at my previous company and so instead of complaining about things that I couldn’t necessarily change or control, I decided to look for other opportunities.

A simple but effective way to answer this question is to say that your boss would say that you were a valued asset to the company. Be careful not to be too braggadocious. Arrogance won’t get you hired.

This question may also be asked “Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult person.”  Describe a time when you were confronted with a dicey situation involving a manager, coworker, or customer…and how you managed through it.  Ensure that your answer shows that you were calm and under control in dealing with the situation and that you took a professional approach to resolving the issue.

Talk about a time when you did something that really pleased a customer.  Be sure to talk about something you did professionally.  Do not talk about a gift you gave them or a lunch you treated them to.  Talk about a...

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