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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Get Your Dream Teaching Job Within 30 Days

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Get Your Dream Teaching Job Within 30 Days After This Former Hiring Manager Reveals What You’ll Be Asked On The Interview And Shows You The BEST Answers!”

“Mark’s guide was absolutely indispensable in finding a teaching job—even though I’m in London and it was written for the US!

Teaching jobs, especially PE teaching, are hard to come by in the UK, so you need to be right at the top to get a good job.

This guide gave me all the information I needed, from what to wear at an interview to what to say – and how to say it.

With the tips this guide gave me I changed the whole way I went about applying for jobs – it made an INSTANT difference.

And the confidence Mark’s guide has given me will stand me in very good stead in my new career.”

…while every last one of them is doing their dead-level best to rip that teaching job right out of your hands.

And time and time again, I saw bright candidates just like you struggle and miss out because they weren’t simply weren’t prepared.

More and more people are being laid off from corporate jobs. And many of them are going into teaching.

You’re up against some of the best and the brightest. To stand out and get the job, you’ve got to have an edge.

It’s not enough anymore just to have a certification and a burning desire to help kids. You’ve got to ace the interview.

I remember asking that to a candidate who didn’t have the best credentials. I thought it would weed him out.

You know the part where the interviewer asks if you have any questions? He was dead-on with thoughtful questions that showed he was competent, caring and committed.

Even though he wasn’t as qualified as the other twenty candidates. Yes, you read that right…I said TWENTY candidates.

I’ve spent 28 years on the other side of the interview desk. I’ve asked thousands of candidates tough questions.

…and make many other mistakes that could have been avoided if they’d only known what I was going to ask and how best to answer.

I had to turn down candidates with great credentials. Why? Because they simply weren’t prepared for the interview.

Here were people I knew could do the job, yet protocol and policies required me to document the interview.

Meanwhile, I sat helpless as less-qualified candidates breezed through because they knew exactly how to respond to almost every question.

Don’t feel bad if you don’t know…most of the best teacher applicants I ever saw weren’t prepared for those questions.

This is IT, the ebook that pulls back the curtain and shows you what you need to know to ace any teaching interview!

Imagine knowing in advance the most likely questions you’ll be asked on your interview…along with the best answers.

It’s like having your own personal hiring manager for an interview coach—you simply cannot lose!

This is THE one critical “must-have” resource that you need to get the teaching job of your dreams…to open the door to your new career

What’s in it? Literally TONS of actual interview questions that are asked every single day by real interviewers…along with fully explained answers.

Each answer is a complete lesson in itself. And you’ve got to know them because teaching is so competitive that one wrong answer will cost you the job…no matter how qualified you are.

And as if that’s not enough, you’ll also find out what insiders know about letters of recommendation and initial interview screenings, including…

…and much, much more, including hundreds of actual interview questions and answers that won teacher jobs for real candidates!

Well first, I need you to understand that this is an investment in your future $40,000 to $55,000/year career as a teacher.

You’ve already invested tens of thousands of dollars in earning your degree and teaching certificate, and I respect that.

And you know what? I don’t think you should have to pay a private interviewing coach $75 an hour for a half-day…which would total $300.

I’m not going to charge you any more than what you’d pay for an average college textbook. And I’m going to reward self-starters who are ready to take immediate action. Here’s how…

For a very limited time, your total cost for my extensive, comprehensive “Teaching Job Interview Secrets” ebook is only $129.95 $89.95 $19.95

They may not know they have osteoporosis until a bone breaks from something as simple as sneezing. In seniors, simply walking up a flight of steps can create a hairline fracture.

That is not a typo—yes, I said $19.95 Why the huge discount when it’s easily worth $200.00 to $300.00?

Because I want to get this into your hands as quickly as possible…and I want to make it affordable for everyday people who want to teach.

You want my best advice? Snap this up NOW…because I can’t promise you’ll see this low price again next week, or even tomorrow.

This stuff works. People in 70 different countries including the US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and India have got teacher jobs after reading my guide…and you will, too!

“When I wasn’t able to land a job for a year, I moved to the USA. I saw it as a land of opportunity, and thought that when I qualified to work as a teacher I’d land a job pretty much immediately. After many failed applications, I began to wonder.

I tried so many different approaches, and each one followed a similar pattern – optimism gave way to disappointment as, more often than not, I didn...

Title: Get Your Dream Teaching Job Within 30 Days
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